Income Matters No.8

...a little with the head of Maradona, and a little with the hand of God Diego Maradona, 22nd…

13 mins

Income Matters No.7

At times of great uncertainty, it is helpful to put things in context and anchor on what we can know rather than what we cannot.

12 mins

STS Global Income & Growth Video Insights – Discount Control Mechanism

James Harries explains STS’s discount control mechanism (DCM), a defining feature of the trust, and how it can…

3 mins

Income Matters No.6

This piece explores another notable change - the greater focus given by investors to a company’s environmental footprint and its relationship with all stakeholders.

10 mins

Income Matters No.5

Many of the trends to which we have become accustomed are in the process of changing. This slow-moving reordering of economies and markets is perhaps most obviously demonstrated by the return of inflation and the very rapid increase in interest rates.

10 mins

Income Matters No.4

After a poor year for returns from capital markets, virtually across the board, we offer some thoughts on how investors might proceed from here.

8 mins

Income Matters No.3

As a global investor sitting in the UK there have been times in the last few weeks when one has had to rub one’s eyes to make sure what seemed to be unfolding was really happening.

11 mins

Income Matters No2 Newsletter – June 2022

Investors set to return to reliable earnings and dividends It has been an eventful few months for UK…

8 mins